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Membership IAAS


Welcome to our Membership model to the Insurance as a Service API, designed to facilitate seamless integration for our partners. This API enables your company to easily provide group insurance policies for your customers.

What You Can Do

As a partner, you can use our API to:

  • Create Policies: Generate new insurance policies for your customers. Each policy provides coverage for a specific risk, such as layoff insurance or auto glass insurance
  • Update Policies: Update policy details, such as the paid through date or the policy data.
  • Get notifications about Claims: Integrate with our notification system to receive updates on your customers' claims.

Key Concepts


In our system, partners integrate with our API to provide insurance policies to their customers as a member benefit in a bundled package of multiple member benefits, including our coverage and others you include. This API does not cover partners selling the policy as a stand-alone insurance offering. Your role is to tell us which of your customers are receiving this member benefit package. You do this by using the API to share your customer information with Harmonic.


Members are your customers who receive the insurance policy as a member benefit in a package of many benefits. After each customer is enrolled as a member, they will be able to manage their policy and file claims through our web app, Benefits Hub.


A policy provides insurance coverage for your customer. Our system supports various types of policies, each providing different coverage options. One important subtlety: The customer does NOT purchase the policy - the partner buys the policy and provides it to their customers as a member benefit.

Policy expiration

A policy has a paid-through date. This field is used to determine when the policy is no longer active. If the policy is not renewed by the paid-through date, the policy will be considered expired, and the customer will not be able to file claims.


Products are the individual coverages included in a policy.

  • Layoff Insurance: Provides benefits in the event of a job layoff.


Enrollment is the process of registering a member for a specific policy. This action is performed via the API, allowing you to efficiently manage the coverage your customers need.

Benefits Hub

Once a member is enrolled, we handle their onboarding to our benefits-hub via email. The member will receive instructions to access the Benefits Hub, a web app where they can view their policy details and file claims.


Members can file claims through the Benefits Hub. These claims request the benefits provided by their policy coverage. The customer needs to meet the policy requirements to be eligible for the benefits, these are:

Layoff Insurance

  1. Age: The customer must be under the age of 55 to file a claim.
  2. Employment status: The customer must have a Full-time employee (W2) type of employment to file a claim.
  3. Policy active: The customer must have a valid policy to file a claim.
  4. Proof: The customer must provide a proof of employment to file a claim.

Webhooks for Partners

Partners will be notified via webhooks when a member creates a claim or when the status of a claim changes. This ensures you are always up-to-date with your members' activities and claims status.

Getting Started

To get started with the API, you will need:

  1. API username and password: Authenticate your requests via Basic Auth.
  2. Endpoint URLs: Access specific functionalities of the API.
  3. Documentation: Detailed descriptions of API endpoints and their usage.

API Workflow

  1. Authentication: Use your API username and password to authenticate.
  2. Enroll Member: Use the Enroll Member endpoint to register the customer for the policy.
  3. Manage Policies: Use the Update endpoint to update policy details, such as the paid through date or the policy data.
  4. Handle Claims: Members file claims via the Benefits Hub, and you receive updates through webhooks.


If you have any questions or need assistance, our support team is here to help. Thank you for partnering with us. We look forward to helping you provide excellent insurance coverage to your customers.

BDX process

Every month we will send to the partner a file containing the list of policies created in our system to make the reconciliation process easier.

Further reading

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